Sandra Jauregui

A Political Operative


As an Elected Official

Sandra Jauregui works for left-wing interests while casting votes in the Nevada legislature that hurt the very families she is supposed to represent.

Sandra Jauregui lowers a masquerade mask away from her face
Blue Balloons with Conflict of Interest and Soft On Crime written on them

Sandra Jauregui

Has a Clear Conflict of Interest

As an Assemblywoman, Sandra Jauregui has crossed serious ethical lines and created an unprecedented conflict of interest between the political firm who pays her salary and the taxpayers who pay her to represent them.1

Jauregui works for a company that gets paid by corporations and left-wing organizations to influence public policy, including legislation in the Nevada Legislature where she serves. She refuses to disclose her clients or what legislation and policy she has been paid to advocate for or against.1

Making things worse, Jauregui has refused to support changes to laws that currently exempt her and her colleagues in the State Legislature from public record requests and ethical oversight. She is part of the “Culture of Corruption” that has plagued the current Nevada Legislature.

Blue Balloons with Blocking School Choice and Soft On Crime written on them

Sandra Jauregui

is Soft On Crime

Sandra Jauregui voted to raise the felony threshold for “smash-and-grab” crimes to $1,200, and now police can only issue citations — similar to parking tickets — for those crimes, with no jail time. That threshold is even higher than California's lenient law.

She also voted to raise the threshold for the amount of illegal drugs like cocaine, meth, and fentanyl required to be considered “trafficking” — from 8 grams to 100 grams!2

Blue and yellow Balloons with Blocking School Choice and Big Spender written on them

Sandra Jauregui

Taking Away Choices For families In Failing Schools

Sandra Jauregui voted to cut funding for scholarships that serve low-income and minority families. These scholarships allow families of children in failing schools to find a school that works for them. If re-elected, Jauregui will continue to vote for the status quo in education. No choices — same failing schools.3

Blue and yellow Balloons with Conflict of Interest and Big Spender written on them

Sandra Jauregui

Spends Big On Herself

While Nevadans struggle to find affordable housing and pay for everyday necessities, Sandra Jauregui voted to spend $127 million on new government offices in Las Vegas for herself and another $30 million for 117 additional staff members.4

Tell Sandra Jauregui

The Party's Over

On November 5th

vote NO on Sandra Jauregui